Who We Are
Lao Civil Society Organizations, whether they are non-profit associations or foundations, cooperate closely with the government and international organizations in development of the country. Our work covers many areas, including agriculture and food security, health, hygiene and public health, protection of natural resources and environment, justice, education, disaster relief, labour, social welfare and people with disability.
Early 2017, members of Lao CSOs Network (LCN) organized a meeting and agreed to change the name LCN to Lao CSOs Coordination Office – LCCO to coordinate, collect information and disseminate information to all Lao CSOs and of supporting participation and contribution to achieving the Lao NSEDP and SDGs.
In 2019, Lao CSOs Coordination Committee – LCCC has been endorsed by the Lao Government under the Department of Public Administration Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, to represent Lao CSOs, called Lao CSOs Coordination Committee – LCCC composing of 9 people representing 9 CSOs sectors.
In 2021, Lao CSOs organized the Annual Lao CSOs Assembly and new LCCC representatives were elected and the Lao CSOs sectors were organized into 7 sectors in coherence with coordination with Lao government and cooperation from multi-stakeholders. The elected committee has 11 people including 4 people stationed in the office and 7 sector leads to communicate and coordinate with other CSOs at local, national, regional and international levels. The elected committee members were endorsed by Department of Public Administration Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, No. 12/DGD dated 22 October 2022 in Vientiane Capital and the official name is Lao CSO Coordination Committee – LCCC.