Lao CSO Platform

Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains answers to the questions that we receive most often. If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

What are the activities of the Lao CSO Platform?

The Lao CSO Platform organizes networking and capacity building events, connects members to jobs, funding and capacity building opportunities, serves as an information repository for Lao CSOs, and offers additional services.

Where can I find more information and statistics about Lao CSOs?

An introduction to Lao CSO's can be found in our About section. In-depth reports and data are available in our Resources section. Visit our Member Directory for information about individual organizations.

Who can become a member?

Membership of the Lao CSO Platform is mainly open to Lao Non-Profit Associations and Foundations. If you are not part of this type of organization, but would like to participate, please contact us to discuss the options.

What are the membership fees?

Our standard yearly membership fee is LAK ... Contact us with any questions about alternative payment arrangements.