Lao CSO Platform

LaoDHRRA seeks a capable organization to create 2 advocacy

Job Description

LaoDHRRA is looking for qualified organization or company to provide services on production of 2 advocacy videos of implementation activities of Public Information and Awareness Services for Vulnerable Communities “PLASVC” project

The Lao Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas Association “LaoDHRRA” is a Non-Profit-Association (NPA) registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs, which of capacity building, technicians support famer and protectors of natural resources and the environment. This organization assists the dissemination of state policies. It supports the task of the state in the protection and the development of the natural resources of the ecological system and the Sustainable Forestry and Responsible Investment in Agriculture (RAI) Development Goals of the Government.

Objective: In this project, we will produce the video for the lessons leamed from VF/VMC in the target villages and build a video of good impact project results. Strengthening for VF/VMC on distribution such as: land law, Forestry law (particularly community forest management, creation calendar use of natural resource-NTFP), best practice or good practice of VF management or status prior and post project implemented or expansion. The Video should be like a case study/ storytelling to see the evolution overtime see what are the changes and the improvements, since the project start to the end of project finish as the successful result project, eg. capacity building and awareness raising for VF/VMC in the target village and finalize we would like to see they are strongly giving consultation to the villager and promote the laws, regulation for villager and became the model VF/VMC for other villages. It will include testimonies, stories of changes, etc.

Task: Provide services for professional documentary style photography and videography to systematically capture images and video (sound and audio), as well as captions from participants in the field survey who are members of the project target communities where the activities took place, the target communities life and activities on site during project period implementation. The consultant requires the following skills and experience:

Prepare and draft script, edit and finalize script accordingly with LaoDHRRA’s inputs and suggestions

Compile information, quotes, short clips, photographs provided by communication focal point

Record and film new footages when needed

Provide voice-over, soundtracks, background music and subtitles

✔ Edit draft video and finalize according to comments provided by government partners and LaoDHRRA

✓ Included logos and end credit into right format

✓ Produce video up to 3 to 5-minute on project activities implementation.

If you are interested on these important services, please submit your cover letter, experience, official quotation, and

CV by 17 July 2024 to email: or contact by phone: 020 2222 7595
