Vilay road, 046/05, Sounantha village, Kaysone Phomvihan district, Savannakhet province, Laos, P.O.Box:1133
- 020 23335685
- (856-41) 252717
ARMI was founded by 15 former CIDSE staffs in October 2006, after CIDSE’s members had decided that the CIDSE offices in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos should become local organisations.
CIDSE-Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (Cooperation International pour le Development et la Solidarite) (CIDSE-CLV programme) was funded by a consortium of 16 member organizations based in Europe and North America. They share a common strategy on development approaches, development education and advocacy, based on values of solidarity, justice, peace and preferential options for the poor. The program was started in Vietnam in 1997, Cambodia in 1979 and Laos in 1988.
At the CIDSE-CLV Co-coordinating Committee meeting in Montreal in 1996, attendees discussed and agreed that Country Offices “need to become independent and self-reliant development organisations” and that the Member organization’s would stay together until at least 2002.
Following that agreement, staff in 3 country offices had some meetings together in order to prepare for becoming local organizations so they could continue to develop their own countries.
CIDSE-Vietnam closed its office at the end of 2005 and 2 organizations emerged named Centre of Community Socio Economic and Environmental Development (CSEED) and Centre for Sustainable Development (SRD) both based in Hanoi, Vietnam. CIDSE-Cambodia was also closed at the end of 2005 and one local organization emerged name Development and Partnership (DPA).
In May 2005 at the Lao member organization (LMO) meeting, it was discussed and agreed that “CIDSE-Laos office needs to close by the end of 2008”. Following that agreement, CIDSE-Laos’ staff has held many follow-up discussions. On 3-4 April 06, the last workshop was held in CIDSE Laos office, Fifteen CIDSE staff decided to set up a membership association registered under the Lao Union of Science and Engineering Associations (LUSEA) in October 10, 2006.
ARMI has been re-registered in August 9, 2012 under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and change the name to be: “Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI)” in order to fit to the decree No 115/PM on the association establishment in Laos was approved in April 29, 2009.
ARMI aims to contribute to the well-being of all-ethnic groups based on mutual respect, equal opportunities, care for the environment, and the sustainable use of resources
To build capacities amongst target groups to improve their quality of life for their well-being in green and sustainable ways
Target groups
Rural communities and the poor and disadvantaged, especially children, youth, women, and people with disabilities (PWDs)
Solidarity, Participation, Transparency, Effectiveness, and Opportunities for All
5 Years of Strategic Goals (2021-2025)
To reduce poverty by improving food security
To promote nutrition and sanitation for good health for all in communities
To protect the environment and natural resources in green and sustainable ways
To promote community development with the participation of PWDs
- Agriculture, Forestry & Rural Development ,
- Environment
- Attapeu ,
- Bokeo ,
- Bolikhamxay ,
- Champassak ,
- Houaphanh ,
- Khammouane ,
- Luang Namtha ,
- Luang Prabang ,
- Oudomxay ,
- Phongsaly ,
- Salavan ,
- Savannakhet ,
- Sekong ,
- Vientiane Capital ,
- Vientiane Province ,
- Xaisomboun ,
- Xayaboury ,
- Xiengkhouang