House No. 306 Sisangvon Road, Nongbon Village, P.O.Box: T053, Xaysettha district, Vientiane Capital
- +856 (21) 414812 55199909 52562061
- +856 (21) 262180
We inspire inclusive communities, where all vulnerable populations and marginalised groups are actively engaged in community-led health services and advocate for comprehensive health, rights and social justice for all.
Main Goal
Support national and global goals to end the epidemics by 2030, ensuring the appropriate involvement of communities and civil society, and respect for the needs and rights of key, vulnerable and marginalised communities;
- Ensure that key, vulnerable and marginalised communities have access to nutrition and the mental healthcare services that they need;
- Strengthen financial commitment by domestic and donors towards health, rights-based, gender-transformative and people-centred Universal Health Coverage;
- Promote and ensure that empowerment, rights and gender approaches are integrated in all new and revised programmes, policies, and frameworks on health and development that affect the key, vulnerable and marginalised groups
Target Group
Young key, vulnerable population (KVP) who are living and affected by diseases including people Who Use and Inject Drug (PWUD-PWID), LGBTIQ, Sex Workers, Mobile & Migrant including ethnic and disability
- Labour, Disability & Social Protection ,
- Public Health
- Attapeu ,
- Bokeo ,
- Bolikhamxay ,
- Champassak ,
- Houaphanh ,
- Khammouane ,
- Luang Namtha ,
- Luang Prabang ,
- Oudomxay ,
- Phongsaly ,
- Salavan ,
- Savannakhet ,
- Sekong ,
- Vientiane Capital ,
- Vientiane Province ,
- Xaisomboun ,
- Xayaboury ,
- Xiengkhouang