Main office at Vientiane Capital, Phonthan Village, House No.069, Unit: 40, Xaysetha District.
- 020 5568 2339/57788898
Rural Development of Livelihood Association (ROLA) is a non-profit association, the association has been officially adopted by the Ministry of Home, Department of Education-Sports in Vientiane Capital, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Vientiane Capital, Ministry of Health of Vientiane Capital and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Vientiane Capital. ROLA work to support create youth, women and disadvantages in which focus on creating a development group by promoting sustainable agriculture and improving their capacity to awareness the safeguard the environment and best-practice techniques. The agriculture including mushroom growing, vegetables growing in the green house, smart farm , raising chickens, fish, pigs, goats, and handicraft as well. Public health: Promote health care for new-born and children under 5 years old, promote TB/malaria patients to access health care and receive medication regularly. Strengthen the referral system for patients from the community to hospitals/services Rural Development of Livelihood Association (ROLA) represents the local government that works closely, directly at the village-community level to support the national economic and social development strategy and the government’s sustainable development goals until 2030 to reduce the problem of poverty, based on:
Contribute to fostering happiness within society through the enhancement of community well-being, encompassing a high quality of life, access to quality education, robust healthcare, and equal opportunities. This mission centers around the principles of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship, as well as the promotion of healthy nutrition.
Our primary Objective
is to elevate the standard of living for our target demographic, particularly those living in impoverished and underprivileged rural areas. We aim to achieve this by bolstering their capacity, fostering community development, advocating for increased access to education, promoting sound nutritional practices, and ensuring the effective management of agricultural production and the environment, all while sustaining the responsible use of natural resources.
Target Group
Farmer groups, students/graduates, unemployed youth, poor/disadvantages and others.
Department of Education-Sports in Vientiane Capital/Province, Department of Natural Resources and Environment in Vientiane Capital/Province, Department of Health of Vientiane Capital and Department of Agriculture and Forestry in Vientiane Capital/Province.
Contact Name Miss. CHAMPA Malayphone Director of Rural Development Of Livelihood Association(ROLA)
- Agriculture, Forestry & Rural Development ,
- Education & Sports ,
- Environment ,
- Public Health
- Salavan ,
- Savannakhet ,
- Sekong ,
- Vientiane Capital ,
- Vientiane Province ,
- Xaisomboun ,
- Xayaboury ,
- Xiengkhouang