The Eduvation Quality Improvement and Promotion Association

House No. 328, Unit 24, Verengkham street, Verengkham Village, Xaithany District, Vientiane Capital
- 020 91 524 354 020 55 792 708
- bounkangmmm@yahoo.com sy.sisouphanh@gmail.com
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063533374174&refid=13&paipv=0&eav=AfblDxueZLgHJqPu9ts7MV_VOI96A1judEJO-cE0hg_bZdFufvvPdw8ndyMfLkPTqbA
Contribute to the development of human resources in Laos according to the 5 principles from the Ministry of Education and Sports, which are manner, knowledge, labor, physical education, and art.
Main Goal:
Improve the quality of education for all levels from pre-school to high school.
Year of establishment:
31 March 2020
Target Group:
Women, children, youth, and disadvantaged people
- Education & Sports ,
- Environment
Priority Areas:
- Vientiane Capital