House No 60, Unit 06, Sol 04, Namkham Village Houayxal District Bokeo Province
- 020 23245099 020 28996999
SAMDA wish to support vulnerable communities for better life in contributing social and gender equity based multi-ethnic valued cultures
Main Goal:
-To support both government sectors andtarget remote rural poor communities -To have rural poor communities have opportunities for learning sustainable economic development approaches in line with natural resources and environment conservation, food and nutrition security – Promote young generation in school enrollment
– Make use of local input for production in favour of cost-effective method and self- sufficiency, climate reciliency without negative impacts on the health and production – To acknowledge and adopt government
legislation Year of establishment: 17 February 2022 of registration Area of Implementation: 5 Districts of Bokeo Province
Target Group:
Women, Children, Youth, Disadvantage people. Farmers and Labour migration safe and fair.
- Agriculture, Forestry & Rural Development ,
- Education & Sports ,
- Environment ,
- Good Governance ,
- Labour, Disability & Social Protection ,
- Public Health
- Bokeo