Lao CSO Platform

Establishment of Innovative and resilient agricultural value-chain networks and financing options to adopt and scale up climate-smart practices in Viengkham and Phonthong districts in Luang Prabang province and Xiengkhor and Kouan dis Request for proposal

General Establishment of Innovative and resilient agricultural value-chain networks and financing options to adopt and scale up climate-smart practices in Viengkham and Phonthong districts in Luang Prabang province and Xiengkhor and Kouan dis Request for proposal 22 May 2024 GCP/LAO/027/LDF: RFP: Establishment of Innovative and resilient agricultural value-chain networks and financing options to adopt and scale […]

Develop Investment and Business Models and Investment Packages at Community level for promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Alternatives in Phonthong district, Luang Prabang for the project”. Request for proposal

General Develop Investment and Business Models and Investment Packages at Community level for promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Alternatives in Phonthong district, Luang Prabang for the project". Request for proposal 22 May 2024 GCP/LAO/027LDF:RFP: “Develop Investment and Business Models and Investment Packages at Community level for promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Alternatives i…

Develop Investment and Business Models and Investment Packages at Community level for promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Alternatives Request for proposal

General Develop Investment and Business Models and Investment Packages at Community level for promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Alternatives Request for proposal 22 May 2024 RFP no. 2024/FALAO/FALAO/127379: “Develop Investment and Business Models and Investment Packages at Community level f…