Lao CSO Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform

Call for Proposals - Lao Ecology Small Grants Program Phase 2 (LESGP2)

Funding Description

Call for Proposals – Lao Ecology Small Grants Program Phase 2 (LESGP2)


This call for proposals, which is financed by The McConnell Foundation and implemented by IUCN, will support local NGOs and CSOs in Lao PDR in the areas of biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management.  The program is based on the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) model and makes use of CEPF systems and processes that are already in place. IUCN implements the CEPF in the Indo-Burma Hotspot, which includes Lao PDR.

Eligible NGOs and CSO are invited to submit proposals, preferably in English language, however, Lao language applications will also be considered.  An applicant can submit more than one proposal, but an applicant can only receive one grant.  Applicants must use the proposal and budget templates provided by IUCN.


NGOs and CSOs that are registered and headquartered in Lao PDR are eligible to apply. NGOs and CSOs that are registered and headquartered abroad are also eligible to apply, so long as they work only in Lao PDR and do not have activities in other countries. No geographical restrictions apply as long as the project is implemented in Lao PDR.


Applicants can apply for up to US$20,000 per proposal. All activities must be completed within 12 months.


Proposals should address the theme of biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods, waste management, and/or the strengthening of civil society organisations working in these thematic areas.  Illustrative project activities include but are not restricted to the following:

  1. Biodiversity Conservation: Species conservation; community managed protected areas; participatory management of protected areas; environmental education; and awareness raising.

  1. Sustainable Livelihoods: Non-timber forest product management and marketing; community fisheries; and ecotourism.

  1. Waste Management: Pollution control; clean water initiatives; and solid waste management.

  1. Strengthening civil society: Media training and capacity building of civil society organisations (training, operational costs etc.) working on biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods and/or waste management.


Applicants can apply in English (Preferable) or Lao language using the offline template available here. Applicants are advised to prepare proposals for projects that are up to 12 months in duration with an estimated start date of 1 February 2025.  Completed proposals should be sent via an e-mail attachment to Mr. Daovanh Senghalath at IUCN Lao PDR, see contact details below.  The file name of the proposal submitted should be as follows: Organisation acronym_LESGP Proposal. For example, SSA_LESGP Proposal. Receipt of the application will be acknowledged by e-mail. Applicants will be contacted thereafter as to how to proceed. Questions or concerns during this process can be sent to Mr. Daovanh Senghalath.

IUCN will organize an information session online on 09 October 2024 at 9:00 – 12:00 PM  and if you wish to attend in person and/or you want to have more information, please email Mr. Daovanh Senghalath or Office +856 (21) 417455, 020 56955964.  It is recommended that you attend in order to clearly understand the application process.


All applicants must submit their proposals by 11:59 PM Indochina Time (ICT) on 17th November 2024. Proposal received after this time will be rejected. No modification or editing of applications will be accepted after the deadline.


Preference will be given to projects that address the following criteria: (i) alignment with the Thematic Areas; (ii) have a high likelihood of achieving their stated objectives and contribute strongly to sustainable conservation outcomes; (iii) build upon past initiatives and complement ongoing initiatives; (iv) represent good value for money; and (v) demonstrate the institutional capacity and experience necessary to carry out the work. IUCN welcomes applications from current and past grantees, as well as organizations that have not previously received IUCN funding.

All proposals submitted will first be screened to confirm their eligibility. Eligible Proposals will then undergo preliminary reviews utilising the criteria mentioned above. Based on these reviews, shortlisted applications will be further considered during a meeting of the National Advisory Committees (NAC) in Lao PDR. Considering the recommendations of the NAC, decisions will be made on projects to receive funding.

Further information and assistance can be obtained from:

Mr. Daovanh Senghalath

Technical Officer

391/24 Bourichan Rd, Ban Naxay, Saysettha District, Vientiane


Tel: +856 (21) 417455 and mobile: 020 56955964


Application template English 1 Oct | IUCN

Application template Lao 1 Oct | IUCN

Budget template English 1 Oct | IUCN

Budget template Lao 1 Oct | IUCN
