Lao CSO Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform

Flexible Research Fund from CCG

Funding Description

This is the second call for the Flexible Research Fund from CCG. The first was held in 2022 and there are plans to hold more in coming years. The Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme’s Flexible Research Fund (FRF) has four main objectives:

  • To respond to new research opportunities within the CCG programme’s remit;
  • To expand CCG’s research capacity and impacts;
  • To diversify participation in the CCG research programme via new institutions, perspectives, locations; and
  • To strengthen the role of researchers from low- and middle-income countries.

The Fund is demand-led, and is designed to respond to new opportunities identified through the CCG programme’s engagement with national stakeholders in partner countries; international organisations; the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO, the funder of the CCG programme); and the CCG programme’s research strategies. The CCG programme is led by Loughborough University and implemented through partnerships with academia, business, and non-government organisations. The FRF is a funding mechanism for research that will provide tangible and impactful benefits in CCG countries. The topics in this second FRF call are tailored to focus on four of CCG’s current priority countries: Ghana, India, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam.

  • The CCG programme welcomes applications from individuals and organisations engaged in independent research. This includes universities, think tanks, consultancies and independent researchers. Consortium applications are eligible, but a lead organisation must be identified.
  • The programme welcomes applications from organisations based in any part of the world. A minimum of 40% of funding available will be directed to researchers and/or organisations in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Organisations that fund grant-making schemes of their own are not eligible to apply.

Deadline is 23.55 (UTC) 14th September 2023

Call Topics
Below is a list of the six call topics. Each proposal should only focus on one of these topics. Further information on the topics, including timescales and budgets, can be found in the grant specification document [below]:

  1. Green Hydrogen in India
  2. Energy efficiency in Lao PDR
  3. Macroeconomic Implications of Transitions to Low-Carbon Energy in Viet Nam
  4. Climate Change and Low-Carbon Transport in Viet Nam
  5. Financing the Energy Transition in Ghana
  6. Cooling in Viet Nam and Lao PDR

Guidance Webinar – 17th August 2023
CCG hosted an online webinar on the 17th August 2023 at 11.00–12.00 UTC.

If you would like to attend the webinar, please email The competition details will be reviewed and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

How to Apply
Please read carefully the following documents:, which has all the detail about the application process, eligibility and other key information:

  • Guidance for Applicants [Link – opens in new tab]
  • Grant Specification [Link – opens in new tab]
  • FAQs for Applicants [Link – opens in new tab]

You can also preview forms that will need to submitted via the online portal. Please note, that you must submit information via the online form. We cannot accept applications via email:

  • Due diligence forms (individual and organisations: links download Word Files)
  • Statement of Grant Usage [link – downloads Excel Spreadsheet]
  • Application Form [link – downloads locked Word File]

When you are ready to apply, you will need to apply via an e-procurement link to access the online portal for applications.

During the application process you will need an access code (BAMS3AWA4M).

More information, please visit:
