Lao CSO Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform

Project Manager (PM) of MCHN Project (1 Position)

Organization Background

The promotion of family health association of Lao PDR (PFHA) is a non-profit association established in 2012. Its roots can be traced to the safe motherhood project jointly implemented by IPPF and UNFPA in the northern province of Oudomxay.

Our vision:

  • to create a healthy and happy society, contributing towards bringing Lao PDR out of least developed nation status.

Our mission:

  • to be the leading family health association striving to provide all people with innovative and up-to-date reproductive health information and quality services by empowering individuals through raising awareness of reproductive health knowledge, information and services and improving quality of reproductive healthcare and services for its beneficiaries in collaboration with government authorities, relevant stakeholders, and other civil society organizations.

PFHA aims at contributing to Lao PDR sustainable development targets, particularly focusing on advancing the sexual reproductive health and rights of vulnerable and marginalized groups in remote areas.

We also support public health facilities, such as district hospitals and health centers. In 2020, PFHA supported 59 associated public health centres and managed one (1) ma static clinic, serving an average of 94,852 clients with 287,910 services.


PFHA is the leading family health association striving to provide all people with innovative and up to date RH information and quality services by empowering individuals through raising awareness of RH knowledge, information and service and improving quality of RH care and services for its beneficiaries in collaboration with Government authorities, relevant stakeholders, and other civil organizations.

PFHA works nationwide and at all levels, especially in the grass-root level. Currently, PFHA has been working in some provinces and districts with some projects such as, Safe Motherhood, ProjectMBMF, Project Respond

The project name is “Improved access to Health service for women, in-fan and young children”, This project has been started from 1st September 2023 and the Project will End on 31st December 2026.

PFHA is partnership with Plan International in Laos for Improved access to health services for women, infants and young children Project in Samoui district, Saravan Province. The project is funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany through Plan International Germany (GNO) under FAD LAO100117.

PFHA is looking for position:
Project Manager (PM) of MCHN Project (1 Position)
(Based in Samoui district, Saravan province)

Roles and Responsibilities

  • This position is under the supervision of Program Director (PD)
  • This position is managing 2 staffs (Project MCHN Technical Staff based in Samoui is directsupervisee and Finance-Admin Staff) based in Samoui district is in-direct supervisee)
  • PM will play the important role on leadership and management of the project
  • PM has knowledge of the current project designs, budgets, and timelines and is the singlepoint of contact responsible for project which include maternal and child health, nutrition, andwater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) as well as WASH infrastructure improvementactivity in health facilities.
  • Oversee renovate/improving WASH infrastructure in target health facilities (supported by theproject engineer).
  • Responsible, in consultation with PD, finance unit also support from Plan International inLaos (PIL) for financial and project cycle management of then project to align with PFHAand PIL policy/regulations
  • Lead to conduct meetings, trainings, workshops, and in other forums if requested.
  • Oversee the implementation and monitoring of project activities in the province and makesure that the activities are implemented on time and in compliance with approved plans andwith respective grants’ conditions and requirements.

Main Tasks

Key Responsibilities:

Project Manager is expected to carry out the following tasks:

  • Project Coordination
  • Project Setting
  • ການສ້າງຄວາມອາດສາມາດ
  • Project Supervision
  • Technical Assistance
  • Project Advocacy
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Project Reporting
  • Apply local thought


  • Bachelor’s degree in medicine/medical doctor, social health, community/rural development or Degree in relevant field (health, social sciences, nurse, medical doctor, etc.)
  • Knowledge of behavior change communication on Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition.
  • Experience in project management, including planning, budgeting and reporting
  • Experience of working with NPA’s and/or INGO’s.
  • Understanding of Laos development context, specifically relating to CSOs
  • Ability on communication in English. Knowledge of an ethnic minority language an advantage.


  • At least 3 years’ experience in participatory community development with international organizations
  • Demonstrated strong skill on project management
  • Demonstrated strong skills in capacity building and coaching for local staff and partners
  • Strong management and leadership skills
  • Good facilitation skills
  • Demonstrated skill to conduct meetings, training and workshops for project
  • Demonstrated on MoU/MoA management
  • Good communication, diplomacy, negotiation
  • Good computer skills in Office applications
  • Excellent listening skills and working under pressure
  • Good skill on project report both Lao and English
  • Demonstrated skill mainstreaming gender and inclusion to the project implementation
  • Excellent representation, negotiation and liaison skills, and capacity to communicate in a cross-cultural context
  • Experience on project monitoring and evaluation.

Salary: is negotiable based on qualifications and experiences


Application: Send your resume/CV, and cover letter. In the cover letter please state on a separate page your preferred start date, names and contact details of three referees and your salary expectation to:

HR Assistant/Admin Manager

The Promotion of Family Health Association, Lao PDR

House No. 449 Unit 36, Phonkheng Village,

Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, LAO PDR

Tel: 856 21 413261, Fax: 021 414918


PFHA is committed to equal opportunities and cultural diversity. Candidates from all sections of the community are welcome to apply. Please note that PFHA has a Protection of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults policy in place and you will be bound by this policy if recruited.

Job descriptions will be provided upon request by email to:
