Lao CSO Platform

Young Entreprenurs Association of Bokeo Province

Vision: Equip young entrepreneurs as a force to drive socio-economic growth Main Goal: Young Entrepreneur Association of Bokeo was established to gather the unity of the business sector to help each other develop the economy and society, create opportunities for business networks, to strengthen and promote young entrepreneurs, to encourage entrepreneurs to develop and create […]

Promotion Family Health Association- Bokeo Province

Vision: PFHA BK as a leading organization in the field of family health, we want to ensures that the people in the province receive up to date and accurate information through creative methods as well as promoting the provision of reproductive health services for everyone in the society to be healthy, children are supported and […]

Sustainable Asa Mobilizing Development Association

Vision: SAMDA wish to support vulnerable communities for better life in contributing social and gender equity based multi-ethnic valued cultures Main Goal: -To support both government sectors andtarget remote rural poor communities -To have rural poor communities have opportunities for learning sustainable economic development approaches in line with natural resources and environment conservation, food and […]

Progressive Lao Women Foundation For Social Support Development

vision: Operates in line with government’s policy, National Socio-Economic Development Plan, Government’s regulations, and our own policy. Coordinate with ministries, ministry-equivalent organizations, district and provincial level offices, and others related to plan and implement its own plan, reports progress (achievements, income and expenses records, future plans) to the Ministry of Home Affairs and other related […]

Foundation Phatthana Phasouk (FPP)

Vision Developing the Phasouk Development Foundation to build strong, reliable and dependable society, both domestic and foreign, to fulfill the mission and to develop disadvantaged individuals and communities. Main Goal Developing the Phasouk Development Foundation to build strong,reliable and dependable society, both domestic and foreign, to fulfill the mission and to develop disadvantaged individuals and […]

Lao Culture Preservation and Promotion Association

Vision: To preserve and conserve the cultural and heritage assets of localcommunities. Also to support Laos handicraft and local products and to generate income for ethnic minority groups, indigenous minorities and impoverished people in Laos. Main goal: Our major goals are to create job opportunities and reduce the unemployment rate in Laos. We also aim […]

Association For the Deaf

Vision: To develop a Lao body language book and provide body language communication training, to promote job opportunities for the deaf and raise awareness on the daily life difficulties of the deaf to the society. Main goal: To improve the quality of life of the deaf people, especially by promoting on job opportunities, external communication […]


About Organization The Lao Network of people living with HIV/AIDS (LNP+) was established in 2003 under the umbrella of the Lao Red Cross and Australian Red cross, LP+ aim to work with the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) nationwide with an emphasis in 12 provinces, based on decrees of Association No. 115/PM, dated April 29, […]

Aid Children with Disability Association

ACDA ( Aid Children with Disability Association ) is a lao self-help organization for children with disabilities.of is a Lao organization that advocates for the rights of children with disabilities and provides services to members based on their needs. ACDA is registered under the Ministry of the Interion In 2009 the Government of Laos officially created the status […]

Huam Jai Asasamak Association [United in Volunteer Association]

Huam Jai Asasamak Association (“United in Volunteering”, or HJA) is a Lao Civil Society Organization, formed following a research project commissioned by the Canadian organization CUSO in 2003. In 2007 HJA established the Lao PDR’s first national youth volunteering programme, focusing on volunteers from rural areas and ethnic minorities aged between 15-35. The programme provides […]