Lao CSO Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform


Lao Civil Society Organizations Platform

Foundation of Soudaphone help society

  Foundation of Soudaphone help society  aims to: Organize and operate in accordance with state laws and regulations. Support Party-Government policies in education, agriculture, rural development, women and children’s affairs, labor, and social welfare. Assist communities affected by epidemics and natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and food shortages. Provide comprehensive support to disadvantaged groups, […]

Field Project Coordinator

Vacancy Announcement PFHA is the leading family health association striving to provide all people with innovative and up to date RH information and quality services by empowering individuals through raising awareness of RH knowledge, information and service and improving quality of RH care and services for its beneficiaries in collaboration with Government authorities, relevant stakeholders, […]

ຮັບສະໝັກພະນັກງານໃໝ່ 4 ຕຳແໜ່ງ

ຮັບສະໝັກພະນັກງານໃໝ່ 4 ຕຳແໜ່ງ 1. ຕຳແໜງທີ 1: ເປັນຫົວໜ້າ ທີມວິຊາການ ໂຄງການ ສົ່ງເສີມການປູກ ແລະ ອານຸລັກເຄື່ອງປ່າຂອງດົງ ຂອງຊຸມຊົນທີ່ຢູ່ຫ່າງໄກຊອກລິກ ໃນ 7 ບ້ານເປົ້າໝາຍເມືອງຜາອຸດົມ ແຂວງບໍ່ແກ້ວແຕ່ເດືອນ ເມສາ 2024 ເຖິງ ມີນາ 2026 ເງື່ອນໄຂການສະໝັກ: 1. ເປັນຄົນລາວ (ບໍ່ຈຳກັດຊົນເຜົ່າ ແລະ ເພດ) ສຸກຂະພາບແຂງແຮງດີ 2. ມີຄວາມຮູ້ພື້ນຖານ ທາງດ້ານພາສາໄດ້ດີ ເປັນຕົ້ນ ແມ່ນພາສາອັງກິດ ສາມາດເວົ້າໄດ້, ຂຽນໄດ້ ຖ້າໄດ້ພາສາອື່ນແຮງເປັນການ ດີ. 3. ລະດັບຄວາມຮູ້ຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ ຈົບຊັ້ນສູງ – ປະລິນຍາຕີ ຂຶ້ນໄປ 4. ເຄີຍມີປະສົບການ ເຮັດວຽກພັດທະນາຊຸມຊົນ (ວຽກງານ ຈັດສັນປ່າໄມ້, ການສົງເສີມປູກເຄື່ອງປ່າຂອງດົງ). 5. ມີປະສົບການ ການຄຸ້ມຄອງບໍລິຫານຈັດການແຜນງານ ໂຄງການມາກ່ອນຢ່າງນ້ອຍ 3 […]

Field Project Coordinator

Vacancy Announcement PFHA is the leading family health association striving to provide all people with innovative and up to date RH information and quality services by empowering individuals through raising awareness of RH knowledge, information and service and improving quality of RH care and services for its beneficiaries in collaboration with Government authorities, relevant stakeholders, […]

Agricultural Development and Social Assistance Association (ADSA)

Agricultural Development and Social Assistance Association (ADSA) Mission: ADSA is dedicated to fostering sustainable agriculture and generating employment opportunities within our community. We align with the policies of the government and our political party, ensuring that all segments of society can participate in implementing socio-economic development plans, enhancing food security, promoting responsible trade practices, and […]

Join Moral Foundation

Main Goal: 1. Healthy Promotion Center for healing by nutrition from natural. 2. Moral and Cultural Promotion Center for training of courtesy, ethics, life goal, life skills, gender equality and human right. 3. Profession Center for training the professions to who disadvantaged. 4. Media Center for disseminate the history of Lao leaders / Heroes and […]

Cheuang Sombounkhan Foundation

Vision: Lao youth growing with intelligence and competence. Main Goal: Help develop public speaking and written skills, to be able to voice opinions atmatter Year of establishment: 21 January 2015 Target Group: Students from upper secondary school to university levels